Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Ispra report on environmental criticalities and the precautionary principle in the Law 152/206

The activities in application of the precautionary principle and the prevention of environmental effects

The Report describes the activities carried out by ISPRA in the two-year period 2018-2019 in the context of requests for support received from the MATTM regarding the prevention of environmental risk.


The Legislative Decree n. 152/2006, expanding the sphere of action of the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea  (MATTM) to the prior remediation and environmental threat or damage phase, and it introduced the possibility, for any interested party, to activate the Ministry in order to assess the danger to the environment and effects on the environmental matrices concerned (art. 309). The presence of a source (active or potential) of danger also provides, in application of the precautionary principle, technical-scientific assessments (Article 301, paragraph 2, Legislative Decree n.152/06) for the prevention of risk environmental.


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