Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale




Aerobiology is a relatively young science that studies the particles, living and non-living (bacteria, algae, fungi, pollen, viruses, spores of ferns and mosses, insects and other microfauna, particles and gases generated by natural and human activities) present in the atmosphere, the sources that produce them, the modes of transport in the air and the effects on the environment (indoor and outdoor) primarily on humans, but also on animals and plants. Aerobiology is therefore an interdisciplinary science and the aims of its studies are multiple, involving different fields of scientific and applicative interest ranging from human, animal and plant pathology, to entomology, allergology, palynology. In particular, aerobiology deals with the problems of atmospheric pollution in a complementary way to chemical and physical research.

Air quality

According to current legislation, the data of the air quality assessments (consolidated and in real time) must be transmitted through Eionet's Central Data Repository (CDR) structure according to the specifications provided by the EC (Decision 2011/850 / EU).
ISPRA, through the InfoAria system, collects regional datasets, and in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, verifies the completeness and correctness of the data and information received and compliance with the required formats. It then aggregates the regional air quality monitoring datasets and the regional and autonomous provincial plans / programs for the remediation of air quality, generating the national envelope and collaborates with the Ministry of the Environment in the phases of official transmission of the various datasets. It guarantees the evolutionary maintenance activities of the InfoAria system to support the e-reporting activity, and prepares annual reports on the monitoring and evaluation of air quality in Italy, making them available to the public. ISPRA also processes status indicators and air quality trends that are available for download in the database of environmental indicators in the atmosphere section


Emissions in atmosphere

Italy estimates and reports annually the quantities of greenhouse gases and pollutants released into the atmosphere by sources relevant for the purposes of the national inventory. This section provides the historical series of emissions into the atmosphere, quarterly estimates of greenhouse gas emissions, data relating to the national average emission factors of road transport, and the most relevant documents accompanying official communications relating to the national inventory.

Data base environmental year book ISPRA
Tool for the telematic consultation of the indicator cards and the creation of reports: EmissionIndustry, Atmosphere


Read the story map Air Pollution

Read the story map toward and industry more sustainable