Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Nature and Biodiversity

NNB - National network of Biodiversity
The NNB is a shared data management system which, through the aggregation of the current state of knowledge on biodiversity in Italy, aims to improve the dissemination and sharing of data on biodiversity, making them available for pure research, for applied research, for education and training, and to represent a strategic national tool for informed political decisions, which guarantee a sustainable use of our country's natural resources.

Atlals of marine protected species 
The Atlas, created as part of the project establishing the Regional Biodiversity Observatory of the Sicily Region, constitutes a collection of files of marine species protected and / or threatened with extinction, considered as such pursuant to the various Community Directives and international agreements for the nature conservation (ie Habitat, Birds, SPA / BIO, Bern, Bonn, CITES, ACCOBAMS) and which appear to have at least one indication in Marine Protected Areas and Natura 2000 Areas (Sites of Community Importance and Special Protection Areas) of Sicily

Biodiversity and Nature – SIC
The SIC (Centralized Information System) created to respond to the MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) collects data from the ARPAs of the 15 Italian coastal regions relating to the physical components of ecosystems and biodiversity (Module 1, Phytoplacton and Mesozooplankton; Module 3, Non-species indigenous; Modules 7, 8 and 9, Coralligenous habitats, seabed maerl / rhodolite and seabed Macrozoobenthos subjected to physical damage) with a focus on species already studied under the Habitat Directive and the Birds Directive (Posidonia Oceanica, Patella ferruginea, Pinna nobilis, Tursiops truncatus, Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii, Calonectris diomedea, Ichthyaetus audouinii, Puffinus yelkouan

Carta della Natura
The Carta della Natura Information System combines two main lines of activity: the cartographic realization to know and represent the type and distribution of Italian terrestrial ecosystems throughout the national territory (on a national, regional and local scale); and the evaluation of each territorial unit mapped to give information on the state of ecosystems and to highlight the areas of greatest natural value and those most at risk of degradation.

Repertoire of the implementation of the "Plan for the Park" in the National Parks
Referred to the 25 National Parks currently existing, it is a collection of the official acts issued by the Park Authorities, Regions and State and defines the current framework both of the existing instruments and of the ones yet to be approved, written or proposed (updated to 30 June 2021). The research of the provisions contained in the database can be done by clicking on each Region, selecting the Park and accessing the individual acts or by clicking on the area of the Park and accessing the individual acts.

 Reporting Direttiva Habitat (92/43/CEE)
This site contains the data collected and processed by Italy for the 3rd Habitat Directive Report and transmitted to the European Commission in December 2013: the Report collects updated data on distribution, conservation status, pressures, threats and trends relating to all animal and plant species and habitats of Community interest present in Italy.

Invasive alien species
The specieinvasive site aims to be a "repository" of the current regulations dedicated to alien species and of all the technical documents (action plans, guidelines...) useful for their implementation. The site also gives access to the database on alien species managed and constantly updated by ISPRA and to the sheets and data available for all the species included in the list of EU relevance pursuant to EU Reg. 1143/14. Finally, the site has an email address (and telephone contact) for any reports or requests for clarification.

Read the story map Nature and Biodiversity

Read the story map Carta della Natura

Read the story the wolf in Italy

 Environmental Data Yearbook  ISPRA
Tool for the technical consultation and for the indicator format:  Biosfera

Linked Open Data Ringing