Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



In this section it is possible to consult historical archives and monitoring data of observation networks of meteorological parameters. It is also possible to consult the results of forecast models of both hydrological balance components and meteorological parameters.

Annali idrologici
The Annals Project provided for the informatization of the full content of the Hydrological Annals published by all the peripheral compartments of the National Hydrographic and Mareographic Service, by the regional Hydrographic Offices of Palermo and Cagliari and by those of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, each for its own territory of competence.

  • Part I - Temperature and rainfall
  • Part II - Hydrometry, flow rates and water balance, turbid transport , surveys and studies and exceptional events, mareography.

Monthly estimates of the components of the hydrological balance, i.e. total precipitation, real evapotranspiration, surface runoff, recharge of aquifers and storage of water volumes in the soil and in the snow cover and of hydrological variables of interest for the management of water resources

National platform HIS Central

Prototype of the national hydrological information system, developed within the National Table for Operational Hydrology Services, which provides access to the daily hydrological observations commonly published in the Hydrological Annals, which are collected and validated by the regional offices and the autonomous provinces they deal with operational hydrology and are providers of public responsibility services, as per the Prime Minister's Decree of 24 July 2002. The operation of the HIS Central Platform is the subject of the National Hydrological Balance Project of the Environmental Operational Plan financed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition on the Fund for Development and Cohesion 2014-2020.

Historical data of rainfall and thermometry

Meteorological forecasts for Italy and the Mediterranean Basin
84-h forecasts (3 days and half) over the Mediterranean Basin, for both surface fields (at hourly time scale) and level fields (at 3-h time scale), modelled by the 0.1° BOLAM are available in the "0.1° BOLAM forecasts over the Mediterranean Basin" session. 132-h forecasts (5 days and half) over the Mediterranean Basin, for several surface and level fields (all at hourly time scale), modelled by the 0.07° BOLAM are available in the "0.07° BOLAM forecasts over the Mediterranean Basin" session, whereas forecasts over Italy provided by MOLOCH are available in the "MOLOCH forecasts over Italy" session.

Rete Mareografica della Laguna di Venezia
Data and processing of observations from the Venice Lagoon and North Adriatic coast (RMLV), forecast of the tide and high waters.

Rete Mareografica Nazionale (RMN)
The National Mareographic Network is made up of 36 measuring stations uniformly distributed throughout the national territory and located mainly within the port facilities.

Rete Ondametrica Nazionale (RON)
The Network is ISPRA's wave motion detection system, consisting of a network of fifteen measuring stations at fixed points along the national coasts for the collection of data which, properly processed, characterize the state of the sea.