Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental indicators

Environmental data Year book
The Indicator database is a tool for the telematic consultation of the indicator cards and the creation of reports. It allows you to publish, manage and organize the content relating to the different editions of the Environmental Data Yearbook and to create customized summary versions or organized according to the cognitive needs of individual users

Urban areas data base
The data relating to the more than four hundred indicators in the "Report on the Quality of the Urban Environment" were organized in a database with the aim of making available an online tool for managing and accessing environmental information.

The general purpose is to inform, raise awareness and make data and operational tools available to all citizens as well as promote and support Local Authorities in decision-making and planning processes regarding adaptation to climate change, starting from the information developed within the National Plan. of Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC).