Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Inland waters

The Annals Project provided for the computerization of the full content of the Hydrological Annals published by all the peripheral compartments of the National Hydrographic and Mareographic Service, by the regional Hydrographic Offices of Palermo and Cagliari and by those of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, each for its own territory of competence. The interface allows a query by compartment and, having chosen the year of interest, makes it possible to select and view the volume of the required year, Part I: Thermometry and rainfall or Part II: meteoric inflows, hydrometry, flow rates and hydrological balances, pheatimetry, turbid transport, investigations of ideological studies and exceptional events, tide measurement.


Atlante delle Diatomee bentoniche dei corsi d'acqua italiani 

The atlas presents texts and composite images for a first distinction of the Diatoms based on their morphology; there are also detailed cards that currently, as well as present in the Atlas of benthic diatoms of Italian waterways, include taxonomic and ecological information for 200 species.


Monthly estimates of the components of the hydrological balance, i.e. total precipitation, real evapotranspiration, surface runoff, recharge of aquifers and storage of water volumes in the soil and in the snow cover and of hydrological variables of interest for the management of the water resource. The estimates are produced with the ISPRA model called "BIGBANG - Gis BAsed Hydrological Balance at National scale on regular Grid" and are available in ascii grid format for the entire national territory (grid with horizontal pitch of 1 km) and in Excel table format , spatially aggregated at national, regional, river basin district and compartment level of the suppressed National Hydrographic Service.

National platform HIS Central

Prototype of the national hydrological information system, developed within the National Table for Operational Hydrology Services, which provides access to the daily hydrological observations commonly published in the Hydrological Annals, which are collected and validated by the regional offices and the autonomous provinces they deal with operational hydrology and are providers of public responsibility services, as per the Prime Minister's Decree of 24 July 2002. The operation of the HIS Central Platform is the subject of the National Hydrological Balance Project of the Environmental Operational Plan financed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition on the Fund for Development and Cohesion 2014-2020.

Historical data of pluviometry and thermometry

Portale pesticides

The portal contains information on national monitoring of pesticides in inland surface and underground waters.

Rome groundwater monitoring network

The SINTAI system contains all the data produced by the system of regional and provincial agencies for the protection of the environment and transmitted to ISPRA by the autonomous regions and provinces. Therefore, the data present in the SINTAI system are certified by the institutional bodies competent by law. The information made available by the SINTAI system, accessible by specific topic from the side menu, are both numerical and cartographic. Map information can be viewed through an open source WebGis system.


Go to the story map Water: between resource and danger

Linked Open Data Pesticides

Environmental Data Yearbook - Indicators Hydrosphere
Tool for the telematic consultation of the indicator cards and the creation of reports