Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Sea and coast

Assign new marine areas for aquaculture (AZA)
The data necessary for the process of identifying areas suitable for hosting aquaculture plants, according to the principles and methodologies described in the AZA Technical Guide and the results at a national and regional scale can be consulted through the @AquaGIS
@AquaGIS is an operational tool to support coastal regions and municipalities that responds to the strategic development objectives of the blue economy, of the operational programs EMFF 2014-2020, EMFF 2021-2027 and of the maritime space management plans (Dir. 2014 /89/EU; Legislative Decree 201/2016). An English version is also available at the link

Italian coastal structure
Territorial information layers created by ISPRA and made up of coast lines, back beaches and beach polygons processed for several years (from the historical one based on the IGM1950 maps to those of the years 2000, 2006 and 2020).
The data, made available through the Coastal Portal and the Coastal WebGis, are public and aimed at supporting institutions, bodies, universities, associations, and all subjects interested in issues related to coastal monitoring and planning

Atlas of marine species protected in MPAs and Natura 2000 sites in Sicily
The Atlas, created as part of the project establishing the Regional Biodiversity Observatory of the Sicily Region, constitutes a collection of files of marine species protected and / or threatened with extinction, considered as such pursuant to the various Community Directives and international agreements for the nature conservation (ie Habitat, Birds, SPA / BIO, Bern, Bonn, CITES, ACCOBAMS) and which appear to have at least one indication in Marine Protected Areas and Natura 2000 Areas (Sites of Community Importance and Special Protection Areas) of Sicily.

Forecast of the sea conditions
84-h forecasts (3 days and half) over the Mediterranean Basin, for both surface fields (at hourly time scale) and level fields (at 3-h time scale), modelled by the 0.1° BOLAM are available in the "0.1° BOLAM forecasts over the Mediterranean Basin" session. 132-h forecasts (5 days and half) over the Mediterranean Basin, for several surface and level fields (all at hourly time scale), modelled by the 0.07° BOLAM are available in the "0.07° BOLAM forecasts over the Mediterranean Basin" session, whereas forecasts over Italy provided by MOLOCH are available in the "MOLOCH forecasts over Italy" session.

Mareographic Network of the Venice Lagoon
Data and processing of observations from the Venice Lagoon and North Adriatic coast (RMLV), forecast of the tide and high waters.

National Mareographic Network (RMN)
The National Mareographic Network is made up of 36 measuring stations uniformly distributed throughout the national territory and located mainly within the port facilities.

National wave metric network (RON)
The Network is ISPRA's wave motion detection system, consisting of a network of fifteen measuring stations at fixed points along the national coasts for the collection of data which, properly processed, characterize the state of the sea

All the data produced by the system of regional and provincial agencies for environmental protection and transmitted to ISPRA by the autonomous regions and provinces are available in the SINTAI system. Therefore, the data present in the SINTAI system are certified by the institutional bodies competent by law. The information made available by the SINTAI system, accessible by specific topic from the side menu, is both numerical and cartographic

Informative System MSFD
SIC aims to collect, manage and share at Community level the data from the Monitoring ProgramsFramework Directive on Strategia Marina (2008/56/CE)

Alien Marine Species observation
The Alien Marine Species observation system is mainly aimed at: supporting ISPRA researchers and experts involved in the topic, for observation, monitoring; evaluate the presence and impact of alien marine species in the Mediterranean; disseminate and share data and information useful for experts and experts who deal with the specific issue in support of institutional activities, such as mainly the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSDF).

Read the story map sea and coasts

Environmental data Year Book ISPRA
Tool to on-line consultation and developing of report. Indicators format BiosferaPesca Idrosfera.

Linked Open Data Rete Mareografica Nazionale 

Linked Open Data Rete Ondametrica Nazionale

Linked Open Data Acque di balneazione

Linked Open Data Ostreopsis Ovata