Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Geological and natural risks

Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy

The IFFI project (Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy), carried out by ISPRA, Regions and Autonomous Provinces, provides a detailed picture of landslide phenomena distribution in Italy. The inventory, online since 2005, represents a basic knowledge tool for landslide hazard evaluation which aims at giving relevant information to citizens, public administrations, research institutes and technicians operating in the sector of territorial planning of land protection measures. The Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy is accessible with the thematic viewer and the Geomapviewer, and is available as OGC service.

National repertory of mitigation measures for Land Protection (ReNDiS)

The Repertory of mitigation measures for National Land Protection (ReNDiS) was born in 2005 from the monitoring activity carried out by ISPRA on hydrogeological risk mitigation measures and is founded by the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of Territory and Sea (MATTM). The monitoring activity started back in 1999, immediately after the "Sarno Decree" (DL 180/98) was issued. The ReNDiS project aims at providing administrations involved in planning and designing of land protections measures an up-to-date picture of ongoing works and resources planned. The Repertory is accessible with the thematic viewer, with Geomapviewer and is available as an OGC service.

National mosaic of landslide and hydraulic hazard

National mapping of landslide hazard and hydraulic areas derived from Hydrogeological Plans - PAI . Maps can be accessed with Geomapviewer and are available for download.

Rome landslides

Database of landslides in Rome. Data is accessible from thematic viewer.


The ITHACA project (ITaly HAzard from CApable faults) focuses on capable faults, defined as active faults that can produce fault displacements on surface. The database of capable faults is an essential tool for: a) environmental and seismic hazard analysis, b) understanding recent evolution of landscape, c) territory planning d) civil protection emergency management. It can also support scientific research in the analysis of geodynamic processes. The database can be consulted with the thematic viewer, with Geomapviewer and is available as OGC service.

National database of Sinkhole

Inventory of sinkhole data collected by ISPRA. Data is accessible with the thematic viewer, Geomapviewer and is available as OGC service.

The “Naples’ Metro Area Anthropogenic Sinkholes”  Database

Database of anthropogenic sinkholes in the territory of the Metropolitan City of Naples. Data is accessible with the thematic viewer.

SIAM Tsunami

The SIAM - National Warning System for Tsunami Risk, was established by a directive of the Prime Minister on 17 February 2017. The DB is a collaboration between the Department of Civil Protection, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and ISPRA. SIAM allows real-time network data analysis, monitors the probability of tsunami due to earthquakes affecting coastline, evaluates the extent and disseminates warning messages. The flood maps from tsunamis on the Italian coasts can be accessed with a Thematic viewer.

 EEE Catalogue

The database EEE Catalogue is a global catalogue of environmental effects (primary and secondary) induced by modern, historical and paleoearthquakes.