Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Cadastre Municipal waste

Data base that contains all the data of waste production in Italy, at national, regional and municipal level, organized in specific formats. The waste cadastre was established by article 3 of the decree law 9 September 1988, n. 397, converted, with modifications, by the law 9 November 1988, n. 475. The articulation and functions of the Cadastre are identified by article 189 of the legislative decree 3 April 2006, n. 152. Ispra has organized the National Section electronically, through the establishment of the telematic cadastre, which intends to provide a complete, constantly updated and easily accessible cognitive framework on waste matters.

Environmental Data Yearbook Ispra
Tool for technical consultation of the indicator form and to develop report:  Waste

Read the story map Circular Economy