Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


I live green, a video competition to share your “green action”

Ispra and the European Environmental Agency for the Environment award the best videos

How did you get to work or school today? By car, by bike or by public transport? Every day we make decisions that can have an impact on the environment. The completion video "I LIVE GREEN", by ISPRA's NRC for Communication and organized by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), invites all Europeans to show their creativity and share their actions to help the environment. The best videos will receive a cash prize.


In the video competion " I LIVE GREEN", the Europeans can share their actions with short video, to vote the best and to promote other to do more.

" I LIVE GREEN" focus on 4 topics :

1. Sustainable food

Nutritious food is essential for a healthy life. Food production requires valuable resources like land and water. Pesticides and fertilisers in agriculture can have an impact on soil and ground water. Certain dietary choices and habits, such as how much meat we consume or how creative we are with leftover food, can play a role in ensuring that resources are not wasted and that we exert less pressure on the environment.

2. Clean air

Air pollutants are released as a result of many different activities, from transport to agriculture. Our preference for public transport, cycling or walking, car-sharing or opting for an electric car instead of a petrol or diesel car can certainly help improve air quality, and also boost the quality of life in our city.

3. Clean water

Our water resources are under a number of pressures, including over-extraction, climate change and pollution from different sources like agriculture and urban wastewater, impacting not only our health but also marine life. Plastic shopping bags, facial scrubs and toothpaste containing micro-plastics can all end up in our seas and harm marine animals.

4. Minimal waste

All the products we buy have a limited lifespan. There are innovative ways to reduce the amount of discarded products we send to landfills. At best, some products can be leased and shared with others, while others can be repaired and/or re-used for different purposes. Or, different types of materials can be recycled in a way to be used in new products.

Rules of participation

Link to send video

Further information:


Submissions open

1 December 2017

Submissions closed

31 March 2018

Public vote opens

1 May 2018

Public vote closes

31 May 2018

Winners announced

5 June 2018

The prizes

The winners of each category (sustainable food, clean air, clean water and minimum waste) will receive a cash prize of 1000 euros. The Public Choice award, chosen by online voting, is 500 euros.

Further information contact NRC for Communication Italia: