Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Bouguer anomaly map of the 1:50.000 Antrodoco Sheet

This image represents the Bouguer map of the “Antrodoco” sheet n. 348 ( IGM 1:50,000 series topographic maps). The gravity anomalies are showed as a color image with 1 mgal contours.
The Bouguer gravity anomalies correspond to variation in lateral density in the Earth crust and upper mantle. These anomalies are used to define the subsurface geological structure, for example the depth and extension of sedimentary basins.  The anomalies have been processed for a density of  2.67 g/cm3 using 1122 gravity observations extracted from the Geophysical Database of ISPRA GEO-GFI. The processing with standard formulas has included the spherical cap correction and terrain correction, both extended to 166.7 Km from the gravity station.
The printed version of the map with explanatory notes will be available in 2019.


Bouguer anomaly map of the 1:50,000 Antrodoco Sheet