Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Geological map at 1:1.000.000 scale


Carta d'ItaliaThe Geological Survey of Italy/Land Resources and Soil Protection Department - ISPRA, as National Geological Cartographic Authority in accordance with the Law 68/1960, through the activity of geologists and cartographers, since 1873 carries out the geological survey aimed at the realization of the official geological map of Italy. In addition to the detailed geological map, the Geological Survey counts in its official cartographic products the 1:1,000,000 scale Geological Map of Italy that represents the synthesis of the most recent geological knowledge of the Country.
In the occasion of the 2nd International Geological Congress in Bologna, in 1881, the first edition of the 1:1,000,000 scale Geological Map of Italy was printed; in 2011, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, was realized the fifth edition of the Map, with the intent to bind to the intrinsic scientific value, also a historical and cultural value. This Map represents a rational synthesis of the geological cartography of the Italian territory published in recent years and particularly those made available by the national geological 1:50,000 scale mapping project (CARG project).
The legenda of the map has been structured to represent all data essential for the litho- and chrono-stratigraphic characterization of rocks and for the reconstruction of depositional environments as well as to highlight the main geodynamic events related to the various stages of the Hercynian and Alpine orogenies. This procedure had taken into account the map readability and an easy identification of the major structural units.
The realization of the map requested interpretation choices in the harmonization of the different geological formations and their attribution in different paleo- depositional environments and/or orogenic cycles. In addition to geological data deduced from the CARG project, has been used information extracted from the most recent scientific literature. For the neighboring territories were obtained data from regional geological maps of single Countries that has been adapted to the map legend.
A scheme of the main tectono-stratigraphic units has been added to facilitate the reading of the map; in it are represented the major structural domains and the geodynamic vergence related to the different orogenic systems, and to the crust type of the original paleogeographic domain.

For detailed information: The Geological Map at 1:1,000,000 scale for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy


Edition - Year of publication
Edited by Typography Notes
I - 1881 R. Ufficio Geologico

Lithographic factory Virano and Teano

Geological map in two sheets; edited in occasion of the II International Geological Congress (Bologna, 1881) at 1:1.111.111 scale

II - 1889 R. Ufficio Geologico

Factory C. Virano

Geological map in two sheets; revised edition of the previous

III - 1929-1931

R. Ufficio Geologico:
V. Novarese

Factory L. Salomone

Geological map in 6 sheets

IV - 1961 Geological Survey of Italy:
E. Beneo

Cartographic Art Litography , Florence

Reprint revised of the previous edition

V - 2011 Geological Survey of Italy - ISPRA:
B. Compagnoni, F. Galluzzo, R. Bonomo, F. Capotorti, C. D'Ambrogi, R. Di Stefano, R. Graziano, L. Martarelli, M.L. Pampaloni, M. Pantaloni, V. Ricci, D. Tacchia, G. Masella, V. Pannuti, R. Ventura, V. Vitale

S.EL.CA., Florence

Geological Map in 1 sheet with  Illustrative notes

The map is for sale at the cost of 15,00 euro + VAT at 4%

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