Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



ISPRA cooperates with the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea in the environmental reporting activities for OECD, in particular for the preparation of the Environmental Performance Review of Italy. ISPRA also participates in the Working Party on Environmental Information and in the Working Group on Waste Prevention and Recycling of OECD, with predisposition of advices and national positions, consultation of economic actors on the prevention and recycling of waste.

With reference to the activities carried out by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) within the OECD, ISPRA participates in Committees of experts of the member countries in various fields of expertise. The Institute also participates in international nuclear emergency exercises (INEX) promoted by the NEA, including through the participation of its experts to the Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters of the same Agency, which, among other activities, is responsible for the organization of these exercises.