Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Environmental law and hard sciences in the era of ecological recession
Environmental law and hard sciences in the era of ecological recession
Jan 19, 2024 — Jan 20, 2024 Rome, University Roma Tre

The annual AIDAMBIENTE conference entitled "Environmental law and hard sciences in the era of ecological recession" will be held on 19 and 20 January 2024 at the Department of Law of the Roma Tre University. On 19 January the President of ISPRA, Stefano Laporta, will  speech on ISPRA and SNPA data and environmental policies.

Biodiversity change in the Anthropocene: research priorities
Biodiversity change in the Anthropocene: research priorities
Apr 10, 2024 — Apr 11, 2024 Fano

An open and dynamic scientific discussion on one of the main problems of our era

The symposium, organized by the CNR, will be an active discussion, fueled by short presentations presented in a dynamic mode, which will favor interaction between participants and the exchange of experiences and visions on the topic in question.

SpringLab 2024 - Fist lesson on land consumption
SpringLab 2024 - Fist lesson on land consumption
Jan 18, 2024 06:00 PM — Jan 18, 2024 08:00 PM Bologna

The first lesson of the Springlab environmental training school - "Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services: ISPRA 2023 report", will be held on January 18th and will focus on soil degradation and land vulnerability. The Responsible for the national environmental information system of ISPRA will speak.

Presentation of Roma Capitale's climate adaptation strategy
Presentation of Roma Capitale's climate adaptation strategy
Jan 23, 2024 10:00 AM — Jan 23, 2024 01:00 PM Rome, Sala della Protomoteca, Piazza del Campidoglio

At the conference on 23 January, the proposal for the first Climate Adaptation Strategy of Rome Capital will be presented - with the climate scenarios and territorial risks, intervention priorities, objectives and measures - and will be the start of the process of discussion and public consultation on the document.

Published the Report "Environmental damage in Italy: activities of SNPA and framework of actions 2021-2022. Ed 2023"
Published the Report "Environmental damage in Italy: activities of SNPA and framework of actions 2021-2022. Ed 2023"
Jan 10, 2024

The Report describes ISPRA's commitment to environmental protection through the application of civil liability regulations outlined in the sixth part of Legislative Decree 152/2006, highlighting the key role of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) as the technical support for the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security in actions against environmental damage

By-products: problems and opportunities
By-products: problems and opportunities
Feb 08, 2024 10:30 AM — Feb 08, 2024 01:30 PM Milano

The conference aims to analyze, also considering the latest news, the legislation - European, national and regional - and jurisprudence regarding by-products. The circular economy promotes, among other things, the reduction of waste and therefore also the valorisation of by-products. It should take place in environmentally safe conditions so as not to disqualify the use of by-products and also not to become an instrumental shortcut to cut waste management costs and to generate unfair competition with industrial waste recycling activities.

Published the handbook "Methods for estimating turbidity levels in marine areas evaluation and management criteria"
Published the handbook "Methods for estimating turbidity levels in marine areas evaluation and management criteria"
Jan 09, 2024

The document provides an overview of the existing tools to characterize the variability of turbidity in different marine areas (i.e. coastal, confined coastal and offshore). In particular, it outlines a complete framework supporting the statistical characterization of background turbidity values to provide a representation of the effects of natural and anthropic processes that determine the ordinary turbidity values of a site.

Future Minerals Forum
Future Minerals Forum
Jan 09, 2024 — Jan 09, 2024 Riyadh

The ISPRA Geological Service will participate in the geological services table as part of the Future Minerals Forum which will be held in Riyadh on January 9th afternoon. Critical and strategic subjects for the sustainable ecological and energy transition, the topics that ISPRA researchers will discuss during the event.