Emergency and environmental surveillance
The goal of the BIO-Lazio project is to create useful products for a monitoring plan aimed at acquiring information on the conservation status of habitats over time. These objectives will be achieved through innovative tools useful for habitat mapping through the use of machine learning models based on precise information (ground truth) and environmental variables (earth observation data and geo-climatic data). |
As part of a collaboration agreement between the ROMA TRE university and ISPRA, the computer systems of the ISPRA and the hydraulics laboratories of the Engineering Department are used to deal in a multidisciplinary way with the study of the phenomena that occur in fluid mechanics. referred to as gravity currents. These phenomena concern a variety of situations ranging from oil spills to volcanic base surges, to the study of avalanches and the transport of sediments on the seabed. |
DPC-ISPRA: Sistema d’Allertamento nazionale per i Maremoti generati da sisma (SiAM) (2018) ISPRA in collaboration with the Civil Protection Department contributes to the activation of the National Alert System for Tsunamis generated by earthquakes (SiAM). The SiAM was created to analyze data from monitoring networks in real time, and analyzes the possibility of a tsunami occurring as a result of earthquakes at sea or along the coast and of what magnitude and to disseminate warning messages. It operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. |