Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale




ML-REPAIR aims at strengthening joint governance on marine litter management in Italy and Croatia.

It will contribute to an environmentally sustainable growth of tourism and the fishery sector in the Adriatic Sea by supporting behavioural changes through raising awareness activities and innovative approaches.

The ML-REPAIR project, capitalizing the results of the Adriatic IPA CBC DeFishGear project, is aimed at strengthening joint governance on marine litter management and developing solutions among different entities for reducing and preventing marine pollution. The main project activities are focused on testing new educational tools for raising awareness of tourists in the coastal areas and supporting the strategies for removing marine litter through the active engagement of the fishermen community.


Main Outcomes

  • Fishing for Litter implementation in Adriatic fishing ports
  • Exhibitions on marine litter
  • Cross border campaign for rising tourists awareness on marine litter
  • Fishing for Litter Implementation Status Map
  • Marine Plastics Characterization Protocol
  • Policy recommendations

Target Groups

  • Youths
  • Tourists
  • Fishermen and fishery associations
  • Local, regional and national public authorities
  • FLAGs and LAGs

Project partners

  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice
  • ISPRA Italian National Institution for Environmental Protection and Research | Chioggia (Ve)
  • M.A.R.E. Cooperative S.C.A.R.L. | Cattolica
  • Limosa Cooperative Society | Venice
  • IZOR Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | Split
  • PI RERA S.D. for coordination and development of Split-Dalmatia County
  • Association SUNCE | Split



