Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


PIANO - Policies, Innovation And Networks for enhancing Opportunities for China Europe water cooperation

The project PIANO (Policies, Innovation, And Network for enhancing Opportunities for China-Europe water cooperation) is funded by EU Programme Horizon 2020 and supported by the China-Europe Water Platform CEWP.

It aims at strengthening the international cooperation in the field of water between Europe and China and promoting the creation of networks of companies, SMEs, entrepreneurs, NGOs, policy makers, regulators and funding agencies to create business and social opportunities. The international cooperation within the PIANO project activities focuses on five priorities areas: agricultural water management, municipal water management, industrial water management, river basin management, water for energy.

ISPRA’s Water Department coordinates some tasks related to the identification of innovative technological solutions for agricultural and municipal water management which can be applicable in China. It is also responsible for the elaboration of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas for water innovation shared between European and Chinese partners.

Technological Water Innovations

Water sector in China: opportunities for European companies

A publication produced by the H2020 PIANO project with the cooperation of the China-Europe Water Platform and the EU SME Centre in Bejing provides an overview of the existing market situation of China’s water sector, highlights the main areas of opportunity for European small and medium enterprises, and offers practical information on how to access these opportunities.

China is a large and complex market to enter and there are many barriers in the way of starting and successfully sustaining a business there. The report identifies proven strategies to achieve success in obtaining a foothold in the Chinese water market recommending a list of well detailed actions.

The publication “Water sector in China: market opportunities and challenges for European companies”is available at this link