Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Launched in January 2023 the SD-WISHEES project “Supporting and Developing Widening Strategies to tackle Hydroclimatic Extreme Events: Impacts and sustainable solutions for cultural heritage” of Horizon Europe. This is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded by the call HORIZON-WIDER-2022-ERA-01-10 "Programme level collaboration between national R&I programmes" on the theme of cultural heritage and extreme hydroclimatic events.
The 4-year project is coordinated by the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council (IRSA-CNR) and sees among the partners involved in Italy the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC). The SD-WISHEES Consortium brings together partners from Horizon Europe expansion countries (Malta, Portugal, Romania), countries associated to the program or with which negotiations are underway (Albania, Georgia, United Kingdom), international parties (African Academy of Sciences, Kenya) and EU countries with long experience in Research Framework Programs (Belgium, Italy, France).

Through the involvement of research and innovation (R&I) funding bodies, the objective of this CSA is to support the strategies for expanding and strengthening the European Research Area of ​​the EU (European Research Area) on the issue of of cultural heritage (in Europe and beyond) in a context of climate change characterized by extreme hydrological events, e.g. droughts and floods, increasingly frequent and severe. Dangerous conditions triggered by water can compromise the maintenance of world cultural heritage and have been ranked in Europe as the number one driver in the loss of our heritage. SD-WISHEES will promote collaboration between members of the Water JPIJPI Climate and PRIMA and will count on the participation of research funding bodies, research institutions, foundations, private companies and think-tanks. From the outset, the Water JPI, JPI Climate and PRIMA have supported joint R&I activities in the areas of integrated water resources management, climate change adaptation and resilience, as well as the dissemination of the results of these activities and the definition of the EU research agenda.

The Action aims to support the EU enlargement strategies by promoting collaboration among Member States to protect cultural heritage in Europe and beyond in a context of climate change marked by more frequent and severe extreme hydroclimatic events such as droughts and floods.

In order to respond to the global challenges of climate change and promote solutions to protect the world’s cultural heritage, SD-WISHEES will apply an inclusive approach where experts and stakeholders will strongly contribute to the definition, design and evaluation of proposed activities.

The results, as well as responding to the European Union’s enlargement and alignment strategies, aim to maximize the synergy, within the European Research Area, between research and innovation on water and climate change. In addition, the Consortium will support market uptake policies and actions by establishing tools specifically tailored to the context. The project results will contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of the European Green Deal and of the EU Adaptation Strategy.

Useful link

Water JPI

JPI Climate