Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The Open LOD platform based on HPC capabilities for Integrated Administration and Control System of Common Agrarian Policy (Open IACS) project is funded by the European Commission through the Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA). Started in September 2019, it lasts 36 months and sees the participation of 5 European countries: Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Spain. For Italy CREA, AGEA, ENEA and ISPRA participate.

Open IACS is a technology project focused on the use / reuse of data from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to improve the use for different categories of users: citizens, farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises and policy makers.
The target will be achieved with the development of ICT solutions for accessing and exchanging data from Integrated Management and Control Systems (IACS) and environmental datasets, creating platforms for the calculation and dissemination of agro-environmental indicators for CAP monitoring.

In this context will be used Data integration technologies such as Linked Open data. Services will be developed for access to supercomputing resources (High Parallel Computing) of European centers, some of which are involved as project partners (ENEA for Italy), for the calculation of indicators and the provision of services for users. endings

CREA coordinates pilot studies in Italy, Spain and Greece focused on the development of calculation models and indicators to support the monitoring and evaluation of the CAP. For the first time in Italy, an attempt will be made to harmonize and make available in open format data from administrative registers (AGEA) and environmental datasets (ISPRA), guaranteeing different levels of access to users and exploiting the Linked Open Data paradigm.


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