Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Kick off meeting Change We Care

The kick-off meeting of the ChangeWeCare (Climate cHallengess on coAstal and traNsitional chanGing arEas: WEaving a Cross-Adriatic Response) project was held in Venice on 16 and 17 April 2019 at CNR-ISMAR which coordinates this territorial cooperation initiative funded by the INTERREG Italy-Croatia programme.

All partners representing six Italian and five Croatian institutions took part in the meeting and presented the envisaged activities which are focused on the risks affecting coastal and transitional systems in the Adriatic Sea and are related to the expected effects of climate change, with a focus on the implications on meteo-marine climate, hydrological regimes, salt intrusion, tourism, biodiversity and land use, aiming at the formulation of integrated and shared planning options for decision makers and coastal communities.

The project will last 30 months and will be carried in five pilot areas including two major river deltas (Neretva and Po, respectively on the Croatian and the Italian coasts), a river-bay system (Jadro River and Kastela Bay, Croatia), a coastal lake (Vransko Jezero Nature Park, Croatia), and a large sand bank system (Banco della Mula di Muggia, Italy).

ISPRA will coordinates a work package and some tasks and in particular the actions related to the evolution scenarios of costal and transitional aquatic ecosystems aimed at identifying the most effective monitoring and adaptation strategies elaborated with the active participation of all stakeholders in the cooperation area.