Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Project A.M.MI.R.ARE

Actions and Methodologies for Improving the Resilience of Beaches

The A.M.MI.R.ARE project was financed with the first notice of the Italy-France Maritime Program 2021-2027, Priority 2: "A resilient and efficient cross-border area from a resource point of view", objective 2.4: "Promote the climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem approaches". The project will carry out activities that aim to increase the resilience of beaches to the impacts of climate change and extreme events. The approach used in the project will promote sustainability, the use of nature-based solutions (NBS) and the implementation of tools to combat and predict the effects of climate change on the beach system capable of involving multiple local actors.

Coordinated by the Institute for sustainable management of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and Specialization in Pisa, the project involves: ISPRA, (National Center for the environmental characterization and protection of the coastal strip, marine climatology and operational oceanography), the Regions of Tuscany, Sardinia and Liguria, the Environment Office of Corsica, the Universities of Florence and Pisa, the CNR, the Anton Dhorn Zoological Station, the Lamma Consortium, the Port-Cros National Park, the Marine National Park of Cap Corse - French Office of Biodiversity, the scientific group Gis Posidonie, the Syndicat Mixte pour les Inondations, the Aménagement et la Gestion de l'Eau Maralpin.

With a duration of 42 months from the start date, i.e. from 1 March 2024, the project activities are focused on the development of a characterization and monitoring strategy for the evaluation of the coastal system's response to climate change, on the development of indications to increase the resilience of the beaches in the territorial collaboration area and useful guidelines for evaluating the opportunities, in socio-economic terms, generated by a more efficient model of sustainable coastal management.

The project also intends to develop decision support tools in the field of eco-morpho-dynamics of low and sandy beaches affected by the impacts caused by climate change, as well as an IT platform for the simulation of possible future scenarios and related solutions, also useful for exchange of knowledge and information between all those involved in integrated coastal management.


25-26 March 2024
Launch event of the project

First meeting of the steering committee