Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Testing new environmental quality measures in and around Euro-MED ports
Port areas are today a place of final accumulation of chemicals and at the same time a cause of pollution, representing an important environmental risk factor for marine biodiversity for the surrounding areas and a risk to human health.

The TREASURE project is funded by the second call of the Interreg Euro-Med programme, Priority 2: Greener MED, Objective RSO2.7 Protect, restore and enhance the environment and natural heritage. It has a duration of 30 months starting from 1 January 2024.
The overall objective of TREASURE is to improve environmental quality in Mediterranean ports and in their surrounding areas by mitigating and reducing sediments and water pollution.
The project intends to improve environmental quality in Mediterranean port areas through testing integrated transnational, multi-stakeholder support frameworks that merge three multidisciplinary
- an ecosystem with multiple stakeholders to create open pilot laboratories,
- an integrated approach for assessing environmental quality,
- a testing of innovative techniques for the remediation of degraded and polluted port areas.
Transnational cooperation is critical to achieving the goals of TREASURE, both because of the nature of the common challenges addressed and because of the innovative approach proposed.
The project is coordinated by the Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa Spa (ASEV) and involves, in addition to ISPRA, the Port of Bar (Montenegro), Fund de la Comunidad Valenciana para la investigación, promoción y estudios comerciales de Valenciaport (Spain); Port Authority of Durres (Albania); Pôle Mer
Méditérranée - Toulon Var Technologie (France); the Transport Authority of Malta; the Port Authority of Piraeus (Greece); Central European Initiative (CEI) – Executive Secretariat.
ISPRA is coordinating WP2, related to the testing of new approaches for the environmental quality assessment in Mediterranean ports through a multi-line of evidence. In this regard, a model will be proposed, taking into account that developed in the project Maritime GEREMIA. The goal is to create a common approach for assessing the results from different environmental surveys in order to assess environmental risk. ISPRA is also directly involved in WP3 related to the testing of new innovative techniques of treatment of contaminated water and sediments in ports, subject on which the Institute has gained large experience.


Kick off meeting TREASURE project
