Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


GeoSciences IR

Research infrastructure for the Italian Network of Geological Services

0d2e02d6-3f53-44e1-a879-d2f7197816c6.pngThe GeoSciences IR project, funded by the MUR through mission 4 of the PNRR, will create a research infrastructure for the Italian Geological Services Network to make available to regional geological services and not only the data, services and tools necessary for the performance of territorial monitoring and control functions in the various fields of Earth sciences. Coordinated by ISPRA and in which 16 partners (13 Universities and 3 Research Institutions) participate, GeoSciences IR will focus on 12 priority themes: extractive activities, soil protection, soil use and consumption, sinkholes, Landslide phenomena, active tectonics, heritage geological, marine geology, Copernicus and operational geology services, 3D geological modeling, geological and geothematic cartography, databases, metadata and services.

The works, which began on 1 October 2022, will last 30 months, after which the infrastructure will have to remain fully operational for at least 10 years.

Further information