Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Soil Administration Models 4 Community Profit (SAM4CP)

The project Soil Administration Models 4 Community Profit (SAM4CP), funded by the European program LIFE + will allow in the next  4 years of activities to have some tools for better soil management, with particular attention to the assessment and mapping of ecosystem services. The action focuses on the transformation of the territory on environmental resources in order to improve the capacity of local administration of territorial planning, even simulating scenarios of development, to have a frame of the environmental effects of  soil consumption ( )  and to increase awareness of the benefits associated with the protection of soil and its functions between public administrators, experts and the public audience.In particular, the project pursues the following main objectives:

  1. to demonstrate how a spatial  and urban planning practice integrating the assessment of environmental and economic benefits associated to soil preservation can guarantee to the collectivity a significant reduction of soil sealing and an overall economic saving thanks to the preservation of natural assets and public finances
  2. To integrate and valorize the 7 main ecological functions provided by natural soil (carbon sequestration, water purification, contrast to soil erosion , provision of habitat for pollinators; wood/fibre production; food production
  3. To preserve the soil and guarantee a sustainable use of this resource, highlighting the negative effects of soil sealing in the overall environmental balance of a territory
  4. To maintain and increase the ecosystem functions freely provided by the soil to communities
  5. Avoid public expenditures due to the restoration of lost ecosystems functions provided by the soil and by a correct management of the territory
  6. Preserve the agricultural function of soil while keeping the other functions intact

As pointed out by the "Guidelines on best practice to limit, mitigate or compensate soil sealing" of the working group of the European Commission, and as evidenced by the Report soil consumption in Italy published by SPRA, the soil provides a wide variety of functions and ecosystem services.. ISPRA  which participates in the project with the Province of Torino (leader), INEA and Politecnico di Torino, will handle the assessment and quantification of the benefits rendered by the soil ecosystem


Further information :

eng. Michele Munafò ISPRA -