Sustainable development
The Project is funded under the Digital Europe Program, European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01), the European program which aims to promote the adoption of digital technologies, in particular Artificial Intelligence and robotics and encourage human-centred values of sustainability and resilience. |
The BBCircle project aims to evaluate, through a context survey, an experimental campaign at a laboratory scale and a theoretical analysis phase conducted through life cycle analysis and circularity indicators, the technical feasibility and environmental performance of systems , applicable locally for the production of energy carriers with very high efficiency (biohydrogen) and adsorbing or amending materials (hydrochar) through biochemical, electrochemical and thermal processes applied to biodegradable organic waste and waste. |
The objective of the LANDSUPPORT project is the preparation of a decision support system (S-DSS smart decision support system), open and freely accessible via a web platform, capable of integrating territorial and environmental data and models of analysis and evaluation. The project will make information tools available that are useful for sustainable land and territory management for various areas - agriculture, forestry, urban - and to support urban and territorial planning and reporting. |
The project, funded under the LIFE program - Environment Subprogram - Priority Sector "Governance and information on the environment", has as its main objective to promote the sustainable and efficient use of soil in Italy and Europe by maximizing the provision of ecosystem services (including productive ones) without worsening and, where necessary, improving the soil matrix in the chemical, physical and biological properties that enable it |