Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Common Fungi: Characteristics, Sophistications and Toxicological Aspects

Collection of 70 more articles published on AK-Informa. Volume 2

This second volume of the Manual "Common Fungi: Characteristics, Sophistications and Toxicological Aspects" collects seventy more articles produced by ISPRA's "Fungi Special Project" and published by "AK Informa - Information on the Climate, Environment and Society" from 2015 to 2017.

Given to the continuous cases of poisoning by spontaneous epigeic fungi, despite the commitment of the structures on the territory, the ISPRA's "Fungi Special Project" has carried out an Information System for the mycotoxicological aspects in collaboration with several "Operating Units" to provide to the public, interested in this subject, correct informations on the mycotoxicological field.


Publication available only on-line


Download the publication (pdf - 7.6 mb)

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