Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Handbook for modeling and evaluating river habitat integrity

The present work describes a methodology to model and evaluate river habitat integrity using the meso-scale approach and the methodology called “MesoHABSIM – Mesohabitat Simulation Model”. This methodology, adapted for the Italian territory, is part of the “System for Stream Hydromorphological Assessment, Analysis, and Monitoring” named IDRAIM (ISPRA, MLG N° 131/2016). Specifically, the MesoHABSIM methodology is integrated with the “Geomorphic Unit Survey and Classification System – GUS” (ISPRA, MLG N° 132/2016) to describe the spatio-temporal variation of habitat availability for the fauna, depending on the flow rate and the local morphological condition of the stream. This methodology is in line with the “ecological flows” (e-flows) guidance of the European Union (“Ecological flows in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive”, European Commission, Guidance N° 31, 2015), in which it is mentioned as a suitable tool for habitat assessment and it is used in two case studies (case studies #6 and #8 of the guidance). Finally, the Habitat Integrity Index (IH) is also presented along with the procedural steps for its application.

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Handbooks and guidelines