Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Handbooks and guidelines

Oceanography handbook and guidelines for the data validation process
Handbooks and guidelines   77 / 2012
Environment, Landscape and Infrastructures - II Volume.
Handbooks and guidelines   76 / 2011
Priority substances for monitoring pesticides in water
Handbooks and guidelines   74 / 2011
Guidelines for the assessment of risk from exposure to hazardous chemicals and carcinogens and mutagens
Interagency Center " Occupational Hygiene and Safety "
Handbooks and guidelines   73 / 2011
Guidelines for the preparation of the report on the state of the environment at territorial level
Handbooks and guidelines   72 / 2011
Setting out of pesticide priority lists to plan the monitoring of waters according to D. Lgs 152/2006 and subsequent amendments
Handbooks and guidelines   71 / 2011
Technical and operational criteria and guidelines for inspections in plants at risk of a major accidents
Handbooks and guidelines   70 / 2011
Technical Guide for the transmission system of data about emissions into the atmosphere (EMS)
Handbooks and guidelines   69 / 2011
Impact of ungulates on agricultural crops and forestry: proposal for national guidelines
Handbooks and guidelines   68 / 2011
Batteries of ecotoxicological assays for salt and brackish water sediments
-   67 / 2011
Guidebook for the evaluation of stream morphological conditions by the Morphological Quality Index (IQM)
Handbooks and guidelines   66 bis / 2011
Guidebook for rhe evaluation of stream morphological conditions by the Morphological Quality Index (IQM)
Handbooks and guidelines   66 / 2011
Guidebook for rhe evaluation of stream morphological conditions by the Morphological Quality Index (IQM)
Handbooks and guidelines   66 / 2011
Environment, landscape and Infrascructures
Handbooks and guidelines   65 / 2010
The Economic Value of Biodiversity and Ecosystems - Economics of Ex-Situ Conservation
Handbooks and guidelines   64 / 2010
Agricultural areas with high natural value: from the identification to the management
Handbooks and guidelines   62 / 2010
Priorities substances to monitor of fitomedical products on water
Handbooks and guidelines   61 / 2010
Measurement methods and technique choices for the collection and processing of hydrometeorological data
Handbooks and guidelines   60 / 2010
Ecotoxicological evaluation of chemicals for European REACH regulation: a manual for growth and maintenance of the established fish cell line RTG-2 (Rainbow Trout Gonad)
Handbooks and guidelines   59 / 2010
Benchmarking project
Handbooks and guidelines   58 / 2010