Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Publications of the Agency System

Guidelines for designing and management of airport noise monitoring network
-   102 / 2013
Guidelines for noise monitoring of large infrastructures construction sites
Handbooks and guidelines   101 / 2013
Guidelines for noise testing and monitoring to verify the compliance with EIA provisions
Handbooks and guidelines   100 / 2013
Urban Environmental Quality 2008 - V edition
State of the Environment   2013
Focus on: soil, underground and city
State of the Environment   2013
Guidelinees for radioactivity monitoring
Delibera del Consiglio Federale delle Agenzie Ambientali. Seduta del 25 ottobre 2012 - Doc. n. 16/12 - CF
Handbooks and guidelines   83 / 2012
Focus on ports and airports
State of the Environment   34 / 2012
Urban Environment Quality - VIII report edition 2012
State of the Environment   33 / 2012
Methodological guidance for the Environmental Agencies to implement plans/programs monitoring according to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Reports   N. 151 / 2011
Dir 2000/60/CE Monitoring networks and reporting” concerning Italian implementation of Dir 2000/60/EC (WFD
Reports   N. 150 / 2011
Modeling activities of environmental noise in Italian Environmental Protection Agencies
Reports   N. 144 / 2011
First reconnaissance on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): regulatory framework, roles and activities of the Environmental Agencies, critical points highlighted in the SEA applications
Reports   N. 143 / 2011
Procedure for the analysis of hydrocarbons> C12 in contaminated soils
Handbooks and guidelines   75 / 2011
Setting out of pesticide priority lists to plan the monitoring of waters according to D. Lgs 152/2006 and subsequent amendments
Handbooks and guidelines   71 / 2011
Technical and operational criteria and guidelines for inspections in plants at risk of a major accidents
Handbooks and guidelines   70 / 2011
Technical Guide for the transmission system of data about emissions into the atmosphere (EMS)
Handbooks and guidelines   69 / 2011
Focus on air quality - Urban Environmentale Quality - VII Annual Report
State of the Environment   22 / 2011
Analysis of the compliance with law limits: the role of the uncertainty associated with measurement results
Handbooks and guidelines   52 / 2009
Urban Environmental Quality 2009 - VI edition - Focus on environmental good practices.
State of the Environment   17 / 2009
Urban Environmental Quality 2009 - VI edition
State of the Environment   16 / 2009
Urban Environmental Quality 2008 - V edition
State of the Environment   2008