Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Analysis of the environmental impacts of the 2020 lockdown at the mouths of the Po, Brenta-Adige, Metauro and Tiber rivers

This report presents the results of the project Lockdown (2020) which aimed at evaluating the consequences on marine water quality of the interruption of many production activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project, led by ISPRA, was carried out in collaboration with Guardia Costiera (Italian Coast Guard), and regional environmental agencies (ARPA) of Veneto, Marche and Lazio regions.

A set of chemical parameters (total suspended solids, dissolved nutrients and disinfection by-products), which can be put in relation with anthropic pressures, has been measured on water samples taken from four coastal areas located near to the mouth of important Italian rivers (Po, Brenta - Adige, Metauro and Tevere). The sampling campaigns, five in total, were carried out between the end of April and the end of May 2020.

The report describes the data collected between the end of the lockdown period and the following post-lockdown in 2020, and compares them with associated time-series covering the period 2014-2019 (Eionet data). Furthermore, it shows additional qualitative insights obtained through the analysis of the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in suspended organic matter.

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