Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Habitat and Biodiversity of the "Barsento" natural area (BA, Apulia, Italy) - Map of Habitats at 1: 10,000 scale

The present report has been drafted by a collaboration between ISPRA and ARPA Puglia aimed at carrying out naturalistic research to integrate the "Map of Nature" information system.

In the report a special focus is devoted to spontaneous orchids. During the field work a lot of species has been observed: in a dedicated chapter the list and related pictures has been reported.

The present work aims to provide a cognitive tool of the natural value of the "Barsento" area and its vulnerability profiles which could be a valuable support in the decision-making process related to the establishment of the Regional Protected Area.

Publication available only on-line

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