Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Italian Greenhouse Gas Emissions: emissions reduction target and scenarios

The report describes the greenhouse gas emissions and removals in Italy, based on the data officially transmitted in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Mechanism of Greenhouse Gas Monitoring of the European Union.

The year 2020 is key for the verification, for Italy and the European Union, of the compliance of the emissions reduction target agreed for the second Kyoto period. In 2012, an agreement was reached between the parties on the continuation of the Kyoto protocol through the Doha amendment, which sets reduction commitments for industrialized countries for the period 2013-2020. The report describes the accounting and verification of the commitments of the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, which the Member States of the European Union have decided to fulfil jointly.

Particularly significant for reporting is also the year 2021, since the 2030 climate-energy framework, the ambitious package of provisions of the European Union, currently under review with the Fit for 55 package, enters into force. The emissions reduction targets for Italy are reported, together with the emission description.

The report also analyses the emission scenarios of the key emitting sectors, based on the historical data available since 1990, highlighting the trends and identifying the main drivers for the emissions. Finally the report includes the emissions scenarios compared to the emissions reduction target of Effort Sharing Regulation and the target for the LULUCF sector, deriving from EU Regulation 841/2018 ( LULUCF).

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