Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Landslides and floods in Italy: hazard and risk indicators – 2018 Edition

The 2018 edition of the Report, the second dedicated to this topic, provides the updated overview on landslide and flood hazard throughout the country and presents the risk indicators related to population, families, buildings, industries and services, and cultural heritage.

The Report updates the national maps of the landslide hazard of the River Basin Plans - PAI and of the hydraulic hazard according to the Scenarios of Legislative Decree 49/2010 (implementation of the 2007/60/EC Floods Directive), realized by ISPRA through the harmonization and the mosaic of the hazard zones mapped by the District Basin Authorities.

Risk indicators are a useful tool to support risk mitigation policies.

Publication available only on-line

Download the Report (pdf - 14 Mb, completed version)

Summary Report ITA (pdf - 2.3 Mb)

Summary Report ENG

Appendix (pdf - 5 Mb)

Infographic (pdf - 140 kb)

Platform IdroGEO

Carta della popolazione a rischio frane in Italia (pdf - 6 Mb)

Carta della popolazione a rischio alluvioni in Italia (pdf - 6 Mb)
