Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Strategies to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen(NOx): 2010 sectorial cost curves analysis and policy instruments

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The report analyzes the national cost curve of nitrogen oxides (NOx) referring to 2010. The curve, calculated by the model Rains-Italy, is based on an energy scenario agreed in spring 2005 by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economic Development.
This scenario is used for all international purposes, to update the calculation the emissions' projections. It was formally transmitted to the European Commission for the revision of Directive 2001/81/EC. This report assesses the likelihood of achieving the desired environmental target for each economic sector, with a special focus on measures with low marginal costs. In addition, it evaluates the feasibility of different policies in the Italian energy system, concluding with an outline of feasible measures.

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N. 102/2009