Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The Environmental Damage in Italy: activities of the SNPA and framework of actions 2019-2020

Edition 2021

The environmental damage represents an issue in which the SNPA network, operators, local authorities and all public and private stakeholders face the challenge of a matter and procedures constantly evolving.

The II Report of ISPRA on Environmental Damage in Italy, referring to the years 2019-2020, follows the First Report published two years ago and aims to present a dynamic picture of the institutional structures, the public actions and the development trends concerning the environmental damage matter. This Report is based on the practical work experience gained through over than 100 technical evaluations for the assessment of environmental damage carried out within the SNPA on behalf of the Ministry in the years 2019-2020 and allows to highlight some very important trends for the future. In particular: - the affirmation of the administrative procedure to ascertain the damage and to identify remedial measures through a dialogue between the operator, the Ministry, the SNPA and local authorities; - from another point of view, the possibility of having an "alert system" on environmental issue throughout the national territory thanks to the hundreds of inputs (requests from public and private subjects, communications from operators, acts of the judicial authority ) that the SNPA receives as environmental damage notifications. In this context, the Report offers to the several subjects and actors of the system both a description of the current framework of public action of environmental damage, and an open view on development prospects through new technical and procedural tools. The Report also aims to be evidence of the central role taken by the SNPA Network to develop assessments within a SNPA Network System, in a field which, by its nature, requires an interdisciplinary approach (referring to all natural resources, all sources of damage and the entire national territory) as well as a continuous integration between ISPRA and regional environmental Agencies and between assessment/operational activities and scientific studies and research. The Report also proves the important challenges for ISPRA and for the entire SNPA Network in dealing with the environmental damage issue in continuous evolution.

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