Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Thermoelectric production and CO2 emissions. Renewable energy sources and Emissions Trading Scheme plants

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The document describes the energy generation sector evolution in Italy in the time period from 1990 to 2009. The fuel mix and carbon dioxide emissions from combustion were analyzed. The main aim of the document is to analyze the role of the increase in electricity production efficiency and of the renewable energy sources as concern the reduction of CO2 emissions from power sector. Additionally to published data a detailed review of the data from Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) has been performed as regard the fuel mix used by power plants.
Average national CO2 emission factors by power sector show a constant decrease since 1990. The reduction of emissions is due to fuel mix change, technological progress and electricity production by renewable energy sources. The highest contribution of RES to the reduction of CO2 emissions in absolute numbers.  The increasing energy efficiency due to Combined Cycle plants diffusion and fuel mix change give a significant contribution in the most recent years.
Fuel use data in installations subject to ETS  show that natural gas is the main fuel in power plants. Moreover, since 2005,  there is a growing rate of plants fed with a reduced number of fuels, mainly natural gas. This situation involves environmental benefits because of reduced emissions even though could represent a fragility factor as regard the security supply issue.

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