Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The environmental restoration for the conservation of biodiversity
Reports   63 / 2005
Registro Nazionale INES - Inventario Nazionale delle Emissioni e delle loro Sorgenti
Reports   62 / 2005
The realization in Italy of the european project Corine Land Cover 2000
Reports   61 / 2005
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2003
Reports   60 / 2005
National netwok of suirveillance of the environmental radioactivity 2002
Reports   59 / 2005
Identification of forest areas genetically homogeneous for seed production of high quality: the ash
Reports   58 / 2005
Final report about the study completed by the Working group APAT/ARPA/CNVVF
Reports   57 / 2005
Map of the nature and biodiversity in the protected natural areas: the Natural Park of Paneveggio - pale di S. Martino
Reports   56 / 2005
The cochineal of the maritime pine in Italy
Reports   55 / 2005
Guardianship of the ecological connections of the marine and coastal habitats
Reports   54 / 2005
A new technology for production of broad-leaved forest seedlings to promote sustainable management of European forestry
Reports   53 / 2005
Propagation of vegetal species of particular ecological value in the Apennines of Regions of Umbria and Marche
Reports   52 / 2005
Geological heritage and geodiversity
Reports   51 / 2005
Nitrate pollution of agricultural origin in Italy’s internal waters
Reports   50 / 2005
Intercomparison IC001
Reports   49 / 2005
Report on biological agriculture
Reports   48 / 2005
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2002
Reports   47 / 2005
Athmospheric depositions sensitivity: Critical loads of acidity and eutrophication
Reports   04 / 2005
Geological map of Italy in scale 1:50.000. CARG project
Reports   2005
Waste Report 2005
Reports   2005