Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Relazione annuale al Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio sulle caratteristiche delle benzine esitate sul mercato interno e sui risultati delle verifiche effettuate da APAT nel 2002.

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(Annual report to the Ministry of the Environment and of the Protection of the Territory on petrols sold in the home market and on the results of the controls carried out by APAT in 2002)

In accordance with Law n. 413/97, APAT (ex ANPA), along with ARPA, receives information on the characteristics of petrol sold on the market, from the refineries and fiscal deposits. In addition, these bodies carry out the necessary controls to verify the reliability of the information received, and inform Parliament through a report. This document presents the results of the activity undertaken by APAT and illustrates the appropriate procedures for retrieval, processing and control of data for year 2002.

Technical Documents