Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


LIFE + 2008. Environment Policy and Governance: Harmonization of Urban noise reduction Strategies for Homogeneous action plans (HUSH)

Guideline for a harmonized urban noise action planning are dedicated to the identification of harmonizing criteria and to the integration of noise management tools, in force at National and Regional Level, with the END requirements, and to the definition of a methodological scheme of an Integrated Action Plan, able to ensure the coordination of European and National plans, supporting the implementation process of the END.

Proposals related to modification, revision and updating of the existing laws in force in environmental acoustic field and proposal of enactment of new laws, as answers to the issues highlighted during the project, are described in the“Proposal for revision of Italian legislation and Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC”, with the identification of the legislative spaces at the aims to ensure the harmonization of the requirements introduced by national laws, regarding to the noise management, in urban areas, with the fulfillments required at the Community level.

in Annex, the summary sheets, covering the main aspects addressed in the Guidelines.

Guideline for a planning pianification of urban noise

Proposal for revision of Italian legislation and Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49 EC

Publication available only on-line

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