Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



World Biodversity Day 2022

May 22, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 11:20 AM
In the occasion of the 22th edition of the World Biodiversity Day 2022, ISPRA has organized a round table where ten experts will analyze the biodiversity in the different ecosystems.  We will also understand what damage has been done and what international initiatives have been activated for the protection of biotypes.

World Bee Day 2022

May 20, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 11:20 AM Online event,
On the occasion of the fifth World Bee Day, ISPRA will organize  a round table where seven researchers will illustrate the complex social organization of bees, the multiple benefits they procure for humans through their products and the numerous threats to which they are subjected at the hands of bees. man and nature. We will talk about how to save bees to save ourselves. The meeting will be moderated by the journalist of Radio RAI Sonia Filippazzi She hosts the program "the air you breathe" dedicated to the environment and climate on RAI Radio1. Program

Coastal strip monitoring: presentation of the Italian Coast Line 2020

May 25, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM Roma, sede ISPRA, Via V. Brancati, 48,
A fundamental element for the planning and management of the coasts is the knowledge of the long-term coastal evolution, due to the action of the sea, anthropogenic activity and climate change. The National Center for the Defense of the Coasts of ISPRA has been carrying out analysis of the Italian coasts for about 20 years by updating the environmental digitization of national coasts. This activity allows the monitoring of the evolution of the natural and anthropogenic elements that determine the coastal structure Program Video Press release  (ita) Data base Linea di costa 2020 Photo gallery

With Migratory Birds from Ventotene to Europe and beyond

May 26, 2022 from 03:00 PM to 08:00 PM Museo della Migrazione, Isola di Ventotene - Loc. Il Semaforo,
Presentation and Launch of the European Atlas of Migration On May 26, 2022, the presentation and launch event of the "European Atlas of Migration" will be held at the Museum of Migration on the island of Ventotene which it represents, a very important ringing station also for significant scientific production (including specific indicators on biodiversity vs climate change that ISPRA considers in its institutional and reporting activities). The initiative of the launch of the Atlas, which will see a parterre of international experts gathered at the Museum of Migration of Ventotene, is part of the actions desired by the Italian Government through the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, for the recovery of the site Ergastolo of Santo Stefano, symbolic place of the birth of the concept of the European Union through the Ventotene Manifesto. From Ventotene migratory birds bring a message of sharing, unity and overcoming any barrier throughout Europe. The event is organized by CMS, Ministry of Ecological Transition, ISPRA, State Nature Reserve / Municipality of Ventotene with the collaboration of the Commissarial Structure of the Ventotene Project for the restoration and reuse of the former Bourbon prison of Santo Stefano. Program Atlas Photo gallery Video The project Piccole Isole

Mines National Day 2022: XIV edition

May 28, 2022 to May 29, 2022 National territory,
The National Day of Mines, promoted to spread the value and cultural significance of geological tourism, has reached its fourteenth edition this year, registering growing interest throughout the country. The initiative, organized by REMI-ISPRA-SNPA, MISE, AIPAI, ANIM, ASSOMINERARIA with the patronage of the National Council of Geologists and EuroGeoSurveys, this year in collaboration with the Mining Museum Park of the Sulfur Mines of the Marche and the Emilia-Romagna provides for the organization of events throughout the national territory and the creation of a "national calendar" with all the initiatives promoted by the Sites / Museums and Mining Parks.

The contribution of Geology to the Ecological Transition towards the European Geological Service: The results of the GeoERA projects

May 06, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
The geological knowledge of a territory is considered among the essential elements to achieve the medium-long term objectives of the ecological transition such as those highlighted by the European Green Deal, with particular reference to the search for critical raw materials, the availability of clean energy sources , the enhancement of the water resource and the mitigation of natural risks. The National Geological Services are the natural collectors of the “official” geological data for their country, from the basic geological and geothematic cartography to the various databases developed to collect information relating to specific issues. The webinar aims to highlight the contribution of geology to the ecological transition. Specifically, the results of eight research projects funded under GeoERA, an ERA-NET between national and regional geological services, aimed at establishing a European Geological Service, will be presented.   Program ZOOM  link for the event