Information office (URP)
The Public Relations Office hereafter referred to as URP, part of the General Management - Process Management Service, facilitates access to user services and promotes the dissemination of data and information related to the Institute's activities.
The office provides:
- guarantees the exercise of the right of access to environmental documents, data and information
- provide general and organizational information related to the Institute
- receive complaints regarding the services provided by the Service Charter
- detect the degree of user satisfaction with the services provided through the URP
- edit the Access Register, published in the subsection "Other content"
To make access to the services offered easier and more direct, ISPRA as part of the National Environmental Protection System and in collaboration with regional and provincial environmental agencies has adopted forms that are common to all URPs in the System and can be filled out online:
- Online form for access to documentary records, data and environmental information
- AskURP for general and organizational requests other than those subject to access
The survey of user satisfaction with the services offered through the URP is also conducted through online forms:
- for instances forwarded through the URP channel URP customer satisfaction
- for instances forwarded through the SI-URP channel SI-URP customer satisfaction.
The URP is, likewise, responsible for receiving complaints about the services offered by ISPRA and governed by the Service Charter, and handles reports received by e-mail at:
Public Relations Office (URP)
Process Management Service (DG SGQ)
Via V. Brancati, 48 - 00144 Rome
Fax 0039 0650072916
Requests through legal e mail (PEC) must be sent to :