Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


RETICULA n. 31/2022 Monographic Number

The protection of ecological connectivity after 30 years of Habitats Directive

The 2022 is the year in which we celebrate some important milestones in the pathway taken for nature conservation in Europe and Italy. At the European level it marks 30 years since the promulgation of Habitats Directive (Dir. 92/43/EEC). ISPRA, which has believed in the implementation of this important tool from the very beginning, recall the intense work that after 10 years led to the publication of the guidelines Management of functional ecological linkage areas for the construction of ecological networks at the local scale, which still represent a national reference document on the topic.

Last, and certainly not least, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of RETICULA journal, heir to the long work carried out by the "Ecological Networks" working group which included leading specialists in the field from the entire country.

This monographic issue is a moment of stocktaking, not exhaustive, on initiatives implemented on connectivity issue in Italy and, at the same time through the thematic editorials, it also wants to be a reflection on the proposals and actions to be put in place also to achieve the objectives of National Biodiversity Strategy will set.

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Technical Periodicals
(Periodici tecnici) Reticula


Preface by the Editorial Board


Designing and planning ecological networks: what has changed in the last twenty years?

Corrado Battisti e Michela Gori

The environmental strategies, tools, and assessments to support ecological connectivity

Anna Maria Maggiore e Nicoletta Tartaglini

Ecological networks and new paradigms of territorial planning

Alessandro Marucci

Thirty years of the Habitats Directive: urgency of knowledge and monitoring

Stefania Ercole e Valeria Giacanelli

Natura 2000 and the Life program: thirty years of a synergistic growth

Angelo Salsi

The Habitats Directive, European programming, and ecological connectivity in agriculture: success stories and missed opportunities

Claudio Celada

Future prospects for ecological connectivity in light of the new European and global tools and strategies

Piero Genovesi



Thirty years of Natura 2000 in Italy: between conservation, transformation, and inexorable urban pressure

Bernardino Romano, Francesco Zullo, Cristina Montaldi

Integrated application of the Habitats Directive and the Water Framework Directive: towards the biodiversity plan of the Po River

Paola Gallani, Fernanda Moroni, Simone Ciadamidaro, Concita Daniela Spada, Maria Rita Minciardi

The priority infrastructure gates in the LIFE IMAGINE UMBRIA Project

Lorena Fiorini, Alessandro Marucci

From theory to practice: the LIFE IP Gestire2020 action plan for ecological connectivity in Lombardy

Fabrizio Oneto, Mattia Bertocchi, Sergio Canobbio, Patrizia Digiovinazzo, Giuliana Cavalli, Gherardo Fracassi, Marco Torretta, Bruna Comini, Dario Kian, Lucia Ratti, Anna Rampa, Marzia Cont

Greenway of the Adda river in Valtellina: digital, integrated, and participatory territorial planning project

Giuliana Cavalli, Giacomo Laghetto, Alessandro Leonardi, Cinzia Leusciatti, Bruna Comini, Italo Buzzetti, Antonio Tagliaferri, Anna Rampa

Designing Ecological networks through social networks: over twenty years of experience in Vercelli's rice fields

Alessandra Melucci, Luca Cristaldi, Raffaella Pagano

BOX. Ten years of RETICULA journal in numbers by the Editorial Board