Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


National catalogue for the restoration activities of coastalmarine ecosystems


In Italy a path to the restoration of coastal-marine ecosystems and coastal defense low that sees match the principles of sustainable management with the concepts of diversity (biodiversity, ecosystem, habitat, etc..) compatibility and the ecosystem. Starting assumption of this course is to consider the coasts, particularly low and sandy, not as a mere resource, but an environmental and renewable manner proper times.

The limits within which to operate thus become quite defined: environmental goods are used beyond their natural cycles of training, renewal and stability, to ensure the current generation, but especially to future generations the chance to use them. In this way even the dune systems, the underwater meadows of seagrass, the same coastal-marine habitat should be considered autopoietic systems can self-organize according to their functional efficiency, which many attribute values (ecological, economic, cultural, etc.).

In this framework, the Department of Nature Protection Service, Protected Areas and Urban Planning, initiated in 2008 through a dedicated working group, a series of cognitive activities and research on the current state of these ecosystems, marine- Coastal, with particular reference to the residues Italian dune systems, for matters related to erosion, and generally anthropization geoenvironmental which are subject to risks.

In October 2009, the department has organized, together with Catapano (Coordination of Scientific-Technical Associations for the Environment and Land Management), the special conference "SOS Dune. State, problems, interventions, management, and published research findings in the report ISPRA 100/2009 accessible (in PDF format). During the research, in addition to the collection of information and bibliographic data, have been consulted experts and professionals ( local communities, public research institutes, professional offices of private individuals, NGOs and associations) and carried out targeted inspections of the most significant, making its first National Directory of remedial measures.

Were therefore counted 30 remedial measures, described in special cards, divided into the different regional situations, as shown in the table below and a map overview, it is clear where the "fragmentation" of such interventions.

Number and localization of the interventtions registred in the National Report  



1a – Piscinas
1b – Platamona
1c – Monte Russu



2a – Gombo 
2b – San Rossore
2c – Lacona 
2d – Padule della Trappola
Lazio 5 3a – Montalto di Castro 
3b – Macchiatonda
3c – Focene
3d – Castelporziano
3e – Circeo
Campania 2 4a – Variconi
4b – Marina di Camerota
Sicilia 3 5a – Selinunte
5b – Lampedusa
5c – Vendicari
Puglia 5 6a – Marine di Chiatona e Lenne
6b – Campomarino
6c – Porto Cesareo
6d – Torre Guaceto
6e – Marina di Lesina
Abruzzo 2 7a – Marina di Vasto
7b – Pineto
Emilia Romagna 1 8a – Bevano
Veneto 5 9a – Ariano Polesine
9b – Cà Roman, Pellestrina, Alberoni
9c – Litorale del Cavallino
9d – Laguna del Mort, Pineta di Eraclea
9e – San Michele al Tagliamento, Vallevecchia

The Directory shows a certain increase in recent years, these interventions, almost all made with techniques derived from Engineering Nature, and especially the use by local governments, the European co-financing instruments (LIFE projects and funds structural).

Everyone, then, were then carried out in protected areas designated for such status, reinforcing the idea, even if it were needed, that the imposition of Parks, SCI, SPA etc., Even if most integral parts of instruments planning, represent a "laboratory" for testing of environmentally friendly actions and deeds and are a strong point for the preservation of diversity (biological and environmental), both for adaptation and mitigation of the effects derived from climate change. For those who want to update the Directory with comments and additions to the interventions already registered or to signal others, is available online to fill out a form and send to: