Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Priority substances for monitoring pesticides in water

As part of national monitoring of pesticides in water, ISPRA plays a role of coordination and guidance versus Italian Regions and Environmental Agencies. This document extends and updates the information already provided in previous guidance documents prepared by the Institute, for the selection of priority substances. This information concerns the relevant substances identified by the Community and national legislation, the European process of review for active substances, the sales data, the monitoring data and indications obtained using criteria and indices of exposure prediction. In the document is taken into account, for the first time, the issue on the hazards of the substances derived from the classification and the criteria used in the European regulatory framework for the identification of substances "very high concern". The document also deals with the issue of priority metabolites and introduces the problem of the dangerousness of mixtures of substances in the environment.


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Handbooks and guidelines