Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Black rat (Rattus rattus) eradication from Mediterranean islands: guidelines, best practice, case studies

The Black rat (Rattus rattus) is one of the most globally widespread invasive species, having successfully colonized all continents thanks to human transportation. The species is known for its significant impact on human activities, public health and ecosystems, and it is included in the IUCN's list of the “100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species”.

On an ecological level, the impact of rats is even more relevant in island contexts: the colonisation of islands by this alien species has relevant negative effects on marine birds and on several other groups (invertebrates, reptiles, passerines and other terrestrial birds, bats, etc.), on flora and vegetation as well as on the overall ecosystem balance.

This volume describes the methodologies used to eradicate the black rat on Italian islands, with the intention of providing a useful tool for a more effective planning of activities to eradicate the species on the islands; it also illustrates the experiences acquired, highlighting the peculiarities of the approach to rat eradication on each island.

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Handbooks and guidelines