Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


European Commission verification according to Article 35 of Euratom Treaty. Radiological situation at Colonnetta di Fabro (TR) and Tito Scalo (PZ) sites

A verification visit according to Article 35 has been conducted in Italy by an expert team of the European Commission on 10-13 December 2018. Article 35 verification visits are addressed to the provisions and equipment implemented by EU Member States to monitor environmental radioactivity. The visit has been addressed to verify the radiological situation in the sites of Colonnetta di Fabro (TR) and Tito Scalo (PZ).


In the site of Colonnetta di Fabro coal ashes produced by a coal power plant were used in the past as a layer on the top of which an industrial area was constructed. The results of the measurement performed in the past by ARPA Umbria show that values of the radionuclides concentration in coal ashes are below the clearance level established in the EU directive 2013/59/Euratom and that the values of total alpha and beta radionuclides concentrations in groundwater in the surroundings of the site are in the range of the values measured in the region. Based upon the results of the measurement it has been concluded that the situation in the area is not of radiological concern; specific evaluation will have however to be performed in case of excavation works or asphalt removal operations, at present not envisaged.


The visit of the European Commission team has been conducted on the bases of  information related to the situation in the site and to the performed monitoring of the environmental radioactivity provided to the expert team by ISIN and Arpa Umbria. Information have been provided as response to a questionnaire formulated by the European Commission and with presentations given during the visit. The visit has taken place on 10-11 December in the premises of ISIN, with the participation of ARPA Umbria. The Prefecture of Terni has been informed about the visit.


In the site of Tito Scalo, a phosphogypsum landfill is present due to past industrial activities for the production of phosphate fertilizers from phosphate rocks, which contain natural radiation sources.The results of the environmental monitoring performed until now in the surroundings of the site by ARPA Basilicata, including  measurements on samples of surface water and groundwater, show radionuclides concentration values inside the natural background range of the area. Remediation activities and an environmental monitoring program, also addressed to the presence of chemical contaminants, are conducted on the site. Commencement of the site characterisation is expected to begin shortly.

The visit of the European Commission team has been conducted on the bases of  information related to the situation in the site and on the performed monitoring of the environmental radioactivity provided to the expert team by ISIN, ARPA Basilicata and Basilicata Region. During the visit the expert team met representatives of the Prefecture of Potenza, ISIN, ARPA Basilicata, Basilicata Region, ASI Consortium, Regional Office of Fire Brigate Corp. The visit has taken place on 10 December in the premises of ISIN and on 12 December in the premises of Prefecture of Potenza and ARPA Basilicata. A survey on the site has also been conducted. Information have been provided in response to a questionnaire formulated by the European Commission and presentations given during the visit. The EC expert team, in addition to the discussions with the Authorities visited the site. In particular the barrier to pump groundwater at 22 points (-15m) was noted.


The EC expert team  will evaluate the extensive information received and provide the result of the visit included in a report that will be transmitted to the Italian Authorities in the coming months.