Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Strong Sea Life in Livorno

Nov 24, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM Livorno,
As foreseen by the Life program, the Strong Sea project aims to share knowledge and techniques used in the Gulf of Asinara in order to replicate the recovery model in the places affected by the same threat: the loss of fishing gear at sea. For this purpose ISPRA will organize the conference which will be held in Livorno on  November 24, 2022  at the Panoramic room of the city's Aquarium. The event will illustrate the techniques and methods of intervention used in the recovery of ghost nets in the project area in order to be able to replicate them in Tuscany.

The memory of the Territory as a guarantee of the future: The CARG Project

Nov 14, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM Rome, Palazzo Wedekind, p.zza Colonna n.366, Salone Angiolillo,
On Monday 14 November 2022 at 09:00 in Rome at the Wedekind Palace, the conference entitled 'The memory of the territory as a guarantee of the future: the CARG Project' dedicated to the need to complete and update the Geological Map of Italy will take place , fundamental and essential tool of knowledge of the territory, produced within the CARG Project.

Observed data and modeling tools for bathing water management

Nov 03, 2022 from 09:45 AM to 03:30 PM Rome, Hotel massimo D'Azeglio - Via Cavour 18,
The Bathing Directive (2006/7 / EC) requires that the pressures (eg. river mouths, discharges and urban wastewater treatment plants) having the greatest impact on the environment and health be identified and characterized. The Directive also places emphasis on the concept of prevention and the importance of forecasting possible episodes of pollution. The objective of the Workshop is to show the potential of the products available under the Copernicus Program, comparing the monitoring and modeling experiences carried out in the various Italian Regions. Furthermore, the Workshop will be an opportunity to collect user needs and to promote the use of a homogeneous approach on a national scale to solve the critical issues related to the management of bathing water. Program

Study Days: Water "from modifying to modified" - II Edition

Nov 04, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 03:30 PM Sala Conferenze della Cartiera Latina - via Appia Antica 42, Rome,
The gradual end of the isolation due to the pandemic and the resumption of daily life, still characterized by fear of certain forms of sociability and awareness of technological fallibility, have accelerated the process of a conscious resumption of a healthy relationship with the territory.

Fight against Accidental Marine Pollution by hydrocarbons

Nov 15, 2022 from 09:15 AM to 03:15 PM Rome, Hotel Savoy,
The closing event of the technical-scientific collaboration agreement pursuant to art. 15 L. n. 241/9, for the implementation of activities aimed at the prevention and contrast of accidental events of pollution by hydrocarbons in the Marine Protected Areas ", called CIMA Project (Fight against Accidental Marine Pollution by hydrocarbons). The agreement between ISPRA and eleven Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), aimed at contributing to the affirmation of MPAs as reference bodies, in the areas of competence, and the implementation of intervention activities in the event of accidental pollution, is part of the activities funded by the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE) with the D.L. 34 May 19, 2020 "Urgent measures in the field of health, support for work and the economy, as well as social policies related to the epidemiological emergency from Covid19", in particular with reference to Art. 227 bis, “Strengthening the protection of marine ecosystems”. The event aims to illustrate the activities carried out and the results obtained under the agreement, highlighting the critical issues in order to identify possible corrective measures. Program

SNPA meets companies

Nov 09, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Fiera Rimini, Sala Neri2 Hall Sud,
Addressing the energy crisis. Risks and opportunities for the environment First preparatory event of the Second SNPA Conference As part of the ECOMONDO event, on November 9, 2022 SNPA will present the first preparatory event for the Second SNPA Conference entitled: "The National System meets businesses - Tackling the energy crisis. Risks and opportunities for the environment". During the conference, the National System for the Protection of the Environment will analyze with important experts from the public and private sectors the management of the European energy crisis 2022

The geology and human activities

Nov 03, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Online event,
In many areas of the earth's surface, seismic and volcanic events and geo-hydrological instability affect human activities and require a great effort from the community in activating risk prevention and mitigation actions. Applied geology provides scientific technical support to address and solve the problems connected to human-territory interaction both in relation to geological risks and to the effects induced by climatic variations.