Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The Mediterranean Sea is one of the areas in the world where seabirds are most at risk of ingesting plastic

Published in Nature Communications a study on the exposure of seabirds to plastic pollution in the seas, carried out by more than 200 scholars from all over the world, including three ISPRA researchers. The movements of more than 7,000 individuals belonging to 77 seabird species were analyzed in relation to the concentration of plastic in the sea. The results of the study identified the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and circular sea currents as the areas most at risk of plastic ingestion for birds. Read the study

Published the text for a Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience

On 5 July, the European Commission published the text of the proposal for a Directive on soil monitoring and resilience (Soil Monitoring Law), with the aim of building a solid and homogeneous monitoring system for all soils in the Union territory , necessary to achieve the soil health objective by 2050 and to comply with the international commitments relating to reset from zero land consumption and neutrality to soil and land degradation.

The National Geodatabase of Artificial Cavities (GNCA) is online

The National Geodatabase of Artificial Cavities (GNCA) collects the location, data and documentation, plans, sections and inspection reports relating to the artificial cavities surveyed throughout the country as part of an agreement stipulated in 2020 between the Department for the Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA) and the Italian Speleological Society (SSI). Geodatabase Nazionale Cavità Artificiali (

European Mobility Week 2023

Sep 16, 2023 to Sep 22, 2023
The 2023 theme is - Saving Energy. Why is it important to save energy for urban mobility according to the European Commission? Energy and mobility poverty are on the rise due to higher costs for residents and businesses. The management of public transport has reached a high level of spending on city budgets. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it is crucial to reduce our dependence on Russian oil and switch to sustainable energy sources. The climate crisis is ever present and we need a carbon neutral Europe by 2050

In 2022, 40% of forest ecosystems burned less than the previous year. Value still higher than the average of the last 10 years

Sicily remains the Region with the most ecosystems in focus In 2022, Italy was affected by fires of medium and large size (over one hectare) for more than 68,500 hectares (ha), an area almost equal to the size of the Gran Paradiso National Park. Even if this surface represents less than half of what was burned the previous year (40%), the figure is still higher than the average value of the areas burned annually in Italy in the last 10 years, between 2012 and 2021 (55,000 ha).

Challenges and opportunities in Europe in the raw materials sector - Circularity and sustainability in the extractive sector

Jul 15, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM Buddusò,
As part of Spirit of Rocks, the event with which the Municipal Administration of Buddusò aims to launch a new idea of ​​experiencing Sardegna and its territories, the conference "Challenges and opportunities in Europe in the raw materials sector" will be held on 15 July - Circularity and sustainability in the extractive sector."

Presentation of the volume "Foreste d'Italia"

Jul 20, 2023 from 11:00 AM Rome, Parlamentino delle Foreste,
On 20 July in Rome, at the Parlamentino delle Foreste, the book "Foreste d'Italia" will be presented. The data from the national forest inventory are organized by region to learn about the Italian forest heritage and the activity of the Carabinieri for forest monitoring and control.

Get your cameras ready! EEA launches ZeroWaste PIX photo competition 2023

ZeroWaste PIX photo competition 2023, launched by the European Environment Agency invites to reflect on the state of modern lifestyles and aims at raising awareness and inspire change, conveyed through photographs, whether it is an image of factories, landfills or a community garden that bring people together around a shared sense of purpose.

Underwater Cleaning 2023

Jul 08, 2023 Palermo,
Last 8 july was held in the Mondello Gulf the edition of the  Underwater Cleaning Mondello 2023. The initiative, organized by OWAC Engineering Company and patronage by Asja Ambiente, has seen tens of volunteers involved in the collection of any kind of waste, along the beach of the Gulf. Thanks to the job of the teams on the sea, made up of about thirty freedivers, plastic and glass bottles, plastic bags and even truck covers were recovered.

Ma.Ro.Ma. Project: the relevant activities within the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area carried out by ISPRA

ISPRA is conducting significant activities within the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area through the use of UAS "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" systems, drones equipped with multispectral cameras and very high resolution RGB. The surveys are carried out thanks to the scientific collaboration between ISPRA and the managing body of the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area, as part of the Ma.Ro.Ma. Project. Marine Robotic Mapping.

The European Night of Science Researchers Together is back!

Sep 29, 2023 to Sep 30, 2023 ISPRA headquarters,
Also this year ISPRA participates in the European Night of Researchers together with other public research institutions and universities. The initiative, which will be held throughout Europe on 29 and 30 September, will be an opportunity to bring citizens closer to the world of scientific research and discover the activities of public research on the most topical issues. With talks, shows, games, experiments, ISPRA researchers will talk about circular economy, climate change, biodiversity, soil and sea protection and much more... Waiting for European Night of Researchers

XXI INQUA Congress

Jul 14, 2023 to Jul 20, 2023 Rome, Università La Sapienza,
The 21st INQUA Congress, the international scientific association of reference for Quaternary scholars all over the world, will be held in Rome from 14 to 20 July 2023. The INQUA 2023 Congress will have a scientific program featuring 143 thematic sessions, 8 workshops and 3 short courses in the field of geology, paleoclimatology, natural hazards, marine and continental ecosystems, human evolution, environmental changes and much more. Furthermore, in the days preceding and following the Congress, 20 scientific excursions will be organized to the places of greatest interest for Quaternary experts in Italy and in the Mediterranean countries. The very title of the Congress "Time for change" clearly indicates the centrality of the issue of climate change underway.

Presentation of the 2023 Ecomafia Report

Jul 11, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM
The stories and numbers of environmental crime in Italy The Ecomafia Report 2023 will be presented on Tuesday 11 July at 9.30 in the Sala della Regina, Chamber of Deputies. The stories and numbers of environmental crime in Italy. The ISPRA DG Maria Siclari is participating in the conference.

Environment and health: Memorandum of understanding between ISPRA and Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

Jul 11, 2023
Studying climate change and sustainability, biodiversity, environmental fate and sustainable nutrition, biomedical engineering, information technology and robotics for the development of research, innovation and training activities in the field of relations between the environment and health following a One Health approach by attracting young talents through collaboration in teaching activities, the development of advanced training courses and support for doctoral scholarships: these are the objectives of the memorandum of understanding stipulated between ISPRA and the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (UCBM), lasting 3 years .


Jul 17, 2023 from 03:00 PM Webinar,
Understand and contrast the dynamics of abandonment of historic villages The online seminar on the abandonment of historic villages will be held on Monday 17 July at 3 pm, an ISPRA researcher will participate with a speech on the interaction between geological and technical-economic-social causes in the abandonment of villages.

Tools and services for evaluating farm performance

Jul 20, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM Rome/Online,
In the 2014-2022 programming period, the National Rural Network worked to improve the implementation of rural development policies with services, tools and methods for partnership, with the aim of promoting the affirmation of an increasingly sustainable agriculture and innovative.

Significant increase of waste from economic activities after the pandemic: +12.2%

Jul 18, 2023
ISPRA publishes the Special Waste from economic activities 2023 Edition After the stop of economic activities due to the pandemic crisis, in 2021 there was significant growth in the production of waste from economic activities, which reached 165 million tonnes. The 12.2% increase corresponds to about 18 million tons. The recovery in the industrial, craft and service sectors marks an increase in waste generated by production activities. Almost half (47.7%) comes from construction and demolition activities (78.7 million tons), a sector which is confirmed as the main one in the total production of waste from economic activities. The percentage of recycling (80.1%) is significant for this type of waste, largely exceeding the target of 70% set by the legislation for 2020.

ISPRA has published second report on the status of contaminated sites management in Italy: regional data

The second report on the status of contaminated sites management in Italy of regional sites illustrates and analyzes the data relating to the reclamation procedures updated to 31.12.2020. The data was obtained from MOSAICO, the national database on reclamation procedures, populated by SNPA, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, which lists all the procedures in progress (16,199) and those completed (18,823).