Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


From 31 October to 3 November the international speleological gathering "Strisciando 2.0" returns to Abruzzo

The Majella mines and their valorisation, speleo-archaeology, speleo-underwater and glacial speleology are just some of the topics covered by the international speleological meeting "Strisciando 2.0". 40 events scheduled including presentations, conferences, national and international reports, films, 3 specialization courses for insiders, 16 photographic exhibitions, 20 excursions, 20 national and international exhibitors of speleo-mountaineering equipment, 13 food stands from different regional realities , and various institutional meetings of the national associations of the sector.

The 2019 edition of the Lettomanoppello (Pescara) event is organized by the 'Majella 2016' social promotion association and the Speleo Club Chieti, in collaboration with the Municipality and sponsored by the ReMi network.

Press release (ita)
