Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Training course

The risk related to chemicals and the REACH Regulation

First edition
First part: Rome, October 13-15 , ISPRA headquarters, Via Brancati 48 
Second part: Rome, October 20-22, Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Politics, Via Giorgio Ribotta 5
Second edition
First part: Rome, November 10-12, ISPRA headquarters, Via Brancati 48 
Second part: Rome, November 17-19, ISPRA headquarters
Environmental training course about the safety of chemicals under the EC Regulation n.1907/2006 (REACH), reserved to a limited number of institutions involved Regulation implementation process. The course is promoted by ISPRA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies and with the participation of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Italian Health Institute.

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